Helping You Prepare

T he Fire Department of the City of New York offers multiple resources to help those seeking to join the ranks of the FDNY. Online candidate resources are currently available for those seeking employment as New York City Firefighters. Please note:

Firefighter Candidates with list numbers from 1 to 9,187 have been contacted to resume processing, which includes scheduling medical exam appointments. To help prepare for the medical exam, including the new Stairmill Test, we encourage you to review the information below or on the Candidate Portal.

    • Exam #7001 was established on February 27, 2019.
    • Exam #7001 Candidates: This exam list has been approved for a two-year extension and it is now scheduled to expire in February of 2025.

FDNY Recruitment Call Center: (718) 559-1100

Fire Candidates should save this number in their contacts so they don’t miss out on important communication.

For general questions about the FDNY Recruitment process, please call (718) 999-FDNY (3369).

To view your score online, go to NYC Open Data Civil Service List (active).

Candidate Physical Ability Test (CPAT)

The Department of Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS) and the FDNY have started processing candidates who received a score of 96 percent or higher on Exam #7001. The current round of testing for 96 percent test scorers and retest approved candidates starts in May of 2024.

Practice sessions are different from training sessions. Passing one of the two practice tests counts for passing the CPAT. This means that you have three chances to pass the CPAT.

If you receive a notice in the mail, but are unable to attend your physical test date, you may reschedule for another test date during specific times during that round of testing by calling (718) 937-4721.

Keys to CPAT

Firefighter Candidate Prep

While at the FDNY Training Academy, Firefighter Candidates undergo 18 weeks of intensive work. Overall grades at the Fire Academy include an assessment of in-class exams, academics and physical fitness performance.

Videos Resources

To help Firefighter Candidates succeed, the Fire Department offers a series of videos on: Understanding the FDNY Candidate Medical Evaluation Process, Probationary Firefighter School, How to Read an FDNY Document Correctly, Effective Study Habits, How to Perform Better on FDNY Exam, An Overview of Physical Fitness Standards and two Probationary Firefighters School Physical Training Videos.

Document Resources

The following document resources are available for Firefighter Candidates to download and review.

Probationary Firefighter School Study Aides

Candidate Processing FAQ

Guide to FDNY Firefighter Candidate Medical Examinations

As part of the Fire Department’s medical evaluation, Firefighter Candidates are required to completed certain forms or portions of forms. As a resource to Firefighter Candidates, a sample of these forms are listed below. Please note, Firefighter Candidates are not required to print any form, as all forms will be supplied to you by the Fire Department’s Bureau of Health Services (BHS).

Medical Assessment FAQs

Affinity Organizations

Many FDNY Affinity Groups provide academic and physical training services throughout the hiring process. Interested Firefighter Applicants and Candidates should contact the organizations directly to find out what services they offer. FDNY Affinity Groups assist in strengthening the Department’s ongoing partnership with uniformed members and the community while leading initiatives that celebrate heritage.