Administrative Assistant, Labor Relations

1. What is your name, title and years at FDNY? Where are you currently assigned, and what are your work-related responsibilities?

My name is Yvette Gonzalez, and I am an administrative assistant for the Office of Labor Relations. I have been with the Department for over 35 years. I began my career as an EMT with EMS in 1989, and in 2000 became an investigator with CID. In the Office of Labor Relations, we handle the Department’s grievances and conduct hearings for uniformed and civilian members. We also coordinate several events each year, including the Employee Recognition Ceremony, New York Blood Center/FDNY blood drives, Health and Wellness Fair, and Book Fair.

2. What called you to a life of public service at FDNY?

I knew at a very young age that I wanted to help and care for people and respond to emergencies. Working as an emergency medical technician for the EMS was a calling for me. Over the years, I have continued to volunteer with the local hospitals and the Coalition for the Homeless.

3. Can you share one of your most memorable moments while working at FDNY?

I have worked for the Department for many years, so it’s difficult to select one. I began my career in the South Bronx in 1989 as an emergency medical technician. A few memorable experiences for me were saving a life, delivering a baby and extricating a patient from their mangled vehicle. I also worked in EMS Operations at the OEM Command Center in preparation of snowstorms, presidential visits and the NYC Marathon—and, to this day, I have established lifelong friendships with NYPD. Also, as an investigator in CID, I interviewed and processed the hiring of our future firefighters, EMTs and civilians who are now the face of the FDNY. And last, in the Office of Labor Relations, in addition to scheduling and preparing for grievances and hearings, we now organize the FDNY blood drives, where I have met many caring and generous blood donors who all have the same goal: to save a life.

4. What does We Are FDNY mean to you?

Pride. There is a strong sense of pride and camaraderie in this Department. This is your family. I am honored to work for the FDNY and blessed to be here.

5. What is your superpower (best quality or skill)?

Organizational skills. Being prepared, organized and resourceful. I use my superpowers to oversee and manage the events that are conducted through the Office of Labor Relations and the Quality of Work Life Committee. It brings me much joy to see our employees come together at such events.

6. How does your role support the public safety mission of the FDNY?

My role in supporting the Office of Labor Relations is to ensure that all FDNY members are satisfied with the decisions and actions that are made by both labor and management.

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