Engine 317
1. What is your name, title and years at FDNY? Where are you currently assigned, and what are your work-related responsibilities?
My name is Ariana Jackson, and I am a firefighter. I joined FDNY 11 years ago as an EMT in 2013; a couple years later, I was promoted to FDNY paramedic and stationed in Brownsville, Brooklyn. In 2017, I was promoted again and sworn in as a New York City firefighter. I was assigned to Engine 317 in St. Albans and have been here for the past six years. I am a proud engine woman, and my primary work responsibility is to deliver water to the fire. I’m either operating a handline on the nozzle team or supplying water from the rig as an engine chauffeur. As a CFR engine, we deliver patient care in medical and trauma emergencies.
2. What called you to a life of public service at FDNY?
I’ve always been an empathetic and compassionate person. Helping people just comes naturally to me. Also, God did not give me a spirit of fear, so there was a loud calling to join New York City’s bravest.
3. Can you share one of your most memorable moments while working at FDNY?
One of my most memorable moments while working at FDNY was my first time pumping water. Pretty fresh out of chauffeur school, I get a ticket at 4 a.m. for the phone alarm. We were first-due engine to a fire in a private dwelling with reports of people trapped. With a spare rig and a junior back step, this was my first time pumping, and at a second-alarm fire. Nothing can compare to that feeling of knowing an entire operation depends on you. Water is the most important element in firefighting. The fire was brought under control, and we all went home. I’ll never forget that night, especially the handshake I got from my captain.
4. What does We Are FDNY mean to you?
To me, We are FDNY means that we all make this department what it is. We are all parts of a whole. We are your neighbors, your friends and family. We’re just like you—just people from all walks of life in this melting pot called New York City.
5. What is your superpower (best quality or skill)?
My superpower is my ability to adapt and overcome in any given situation. I rely on my faith and inner strength to push me through anything.
6. How does your role support the public safety mission of the FDNY?
My different roles and experiences have shaped me into the firefighter that I am. I stay active, stay true to myself, and people can relate to me. The more knowledgeable I am, the better I can serve my community. I was born and raised in Brooklyn, living in Queens now. This is my home city. I took an oath to protect life and property—and that’s exactly what I do.