n Sunday, August 12, FDNY First Deputy Commissioner Laura Kavanagh and members participated in the Dominican Day Parade in New York City. View more photos here.
ur candidates for employment usually hear that the FDNY is a paramilitary organization, but what does that mean exactly? Today, we’re providing a detailed explanation of […]
ur Fire Academy on Randall’s Island was bustling with Firefighter Exam #7001 Candidates last week as part of the latest round of our CPAT Training Program/Firefighter […]
you’re a Firefighter Exam #7001 Candidate, take a few minutes today to learn more about the physical exam. Watch our Candidate Physical Ability Test (CPAT) video […]
eet David Lin, our Candidate Physical Ability Test (CPAT) Training and Fitness Awareness Program (FAP) Coordinator. As a senior at SUNY Buffalo in 2005, he recalled […]
eet Jéneen Gilliam, our Firefighter Candidate Mentorship Program (FFCMP) Coordinator. Since 2012, she has been leading this career beneficial program, which is the first of its […]